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Broken Hare Tag

Anna's Attic / Posts tagged "Broken Hare"

I've long been a fan of a gallery wall, I've had at least one in each of the houses we've owned.  I ear marked the staircase walls of our new home as the perfect place for a floor to ceiling gallery wall .  Our ceilings are very low in comparison to our old house, but the staircase ceiling at 3.6m in height offered the perfect place for me to create my dream gallery wall. Moving to a house with lower ceilings had posed a problem, that of where to hang Phylis...

I wrote a couple of pieces back in the new year and thought it was about time that I started to share my musings.  I've really surprised myself by how much I love sitting here banging stuff out, anyone who knows me knows I love a good chin wag so I guess it's much the same, but on here I hopefully get to share with more people (fingers crossed).  I follow many other bloggers via Insta and always enjoy popping over and catching up on their latest posts.  Some of...